Use public transport for free.

Travel free of charge through the Jura! From one night on you will receive free tickets for the Vagabond tariff association for the duration of your stay.


The JURA-PASS entitles the holder to free transport on all public transport services of the Vagabond Transport Association (Canton Jura, Couronne de Moutier and Tramelan) for those guests who stay at least one night in a hotel or other guest house of the Canton Jura. It is handed over to guests on arrival at the hotel and is valid from check-in until midnight on the day of departure (maximum 15 days).

Good to know

The JURA-PASS is not valid if it is damaged or is filled in by the guest. It must not be filled in with pencil, but only with ballpoint pen or ink.The transport of animals and bicycles is not included in this offer. The Jura-Pass is not valid for the night bus (Noctambus) as well as for extra trips or package tours.

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