
approach by car

Le Chaumont 7

2350 Saignelégier

Travellers from Bern or Zurich travel from Biel on the A16 motorway Transjuranne to Tavannes and then take the main road via Tramelan to Saignelégier. At Etang de la Gruère, about 6 kilometres after Tramelan, turn left onto a small road to La Chaux-des-Breuleux and climb up to Chaumont. Turn left on the first road and drive to the end. Travellers from Basel traveling by car drive via Delémont, Glovelier to Saignelégier and then take the main road to Tramelan. After approximately 5 kilometres, at the height of the Etang de la Gruère, turn right onto the road to La Chaux-des-Breuleux.

approach by public transport

If you arrive by public transport there are two options: by bus from Tramelan or Saignelégier (stop "Saignelégier, La Theurre", 15 minutes by foot) or by train (stop La Chaux-des-Breuleux, 30 minutes by foot).

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